Uganda Iganga Saving Lives!

If you believe in preserving the life of the unborn, please consider supporting this pro-life group, who desires to make a greater impact!

David Kisaame, of Uganda accepted Jesus Christ in 1994,and became actively involved in Church planting in local communities.

After receiving ordination in 2001,he began his pastoral call and has planted churches in Kenya and Uganda, under the name Greater Grace Ministries. It is here that he also teaches Bible college to those who are eager to learn. And runs an orphanage that provides care and schooling of the children.With love and moral teaching it gives them all a better chance in life.

In Uganda many abort their children. This fact troubled Pastor David Kisaame and caused an aching in his heart. After prayer he formed a ministry to save unborn babies in his community.

Abortion is prevalent in Uganda for the following reasons.

1.Poverty- many young girls from the ages of 13-17 abort their children because they can not afford the care for them. Many are expected to work instead of attending school.

2. Young girls are not taught proper sexual education such as abstinence, or prevention.  National statistics show that only 9% of adolescents are using some form of contraception.

3. Teens are often pressured in school to become sexually active without considering the consequences.

4. Young girls are thrown out of their homes when they become pregnant, and are forced into an abortion to avoid chastisement.

5. Married woman are taught through Planned Parenthood to abort children as means of child spacing. They keep some children and abort the others.

An average of 800 abortions are performed daily,meaning about 300,000 babies annually. On average 1,200 will die from abortions performed locally in unsafe conditions.

Pastor David Kisaame works to prevent these unfortunate circumstances, and preserve life by operating a crisis pregnancy center.
This is their program outreach at Iganga Pregnancy Center.

To educate the community about the dangers of abortion, and the sanctity of life.

Take in the young girls who are rejected by their family, and care for their needs.

Provide counseling to those who have come into the center.

Provide child care enabling the young girls to continue school and find jobs.

Provide education for the mothers to properly care for their babies.

What can you do to help?
Pray for the ministry and the operation of the center.
For funding and protection from those opposed to pro-life movements.
Pray that mothers would spare the life of their children.
Consider making a donation to Iganga Pregnancy Center,it is greatly appreciated.
Share the cause with friends and family to spread the word,sharing is caring.
If you are pro-life be pro-active many hands are needed.


 Iganga Pregnancy Resource Center is a registered charity of Uganda. 100% of your donation will go to work helping the cause. Please donate through Pay Pal at Pennies For Dreams, and place a note in the memo. We thank you 🙂

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